Sunday, April 27, 2014

Labyrinths and Loyalties Part 4

Allie who was from a farming and vineyard community within a days travel was familiar with Les Crepes customs and ways.  He had dreamed of becoming a knight of the brotherhood, just like his father.  However, Allie was not admitted to the order at his turning of age.  For unknown reasons his application was denied and he was instructed not to apply again.  This still did not break his will, he wanted to be a knight of the brotherhood more than anything.  Allie was determined that the successful completion of this adventure would allow him to become a knight.  It was not just the quest and knighthood.  It was about the women who were kidnapped.   Les Crepe had not spent nearly enough resources, they had the army that could go get the girls.  Allie knew this, those women had to be saved.

Allie easily found his way to the Adventure's tavern.  The place was a bit rough for his taste and very crowded.  Allie did not see any 'golden handsome warriors.' Instead he was invited over to a table by a group of mercenaries in black and silver armor.  They looked very capable and were heavily armed.  Allie spoke with their leader (name), and the terms were not agreed upon.  The group of mercenaries wanted any and all treasure in the labyrinth.  Apparently the group was known as the Elite Four.  They were known throughout Tulucia for finding and capturing criminals and escapes.  Any other unknown victims they found they typically sold to the slaver markets.

Allie sat down at the bar in despair.  This was his one chance, he knew they needed more man power. and Power in general.  His company was made up of a hafling charged with crimes against the church, forced into servitude, a normal everyday looking man who claimed to be good with a bow and tools, a red headed mildly attractive woman with no weapons or known skills, and a drunken dwarf with an axe and jeweler tools.

Just as Allie was getting up he saw a gleam of light from the far left corner.  He looked and there was the shining red and golden warrior.  The man was beautiful, just as Magenta had described.  A very large but well built man in a full set of golden armor.  How would Allie be able to convince such a worthy companion to their band of last hope.

Allie quietly and nervously approached the golden warrior.  He introduced himself, kindly asking the warrior if he wanted a drink.  The warrior politely declined the drink, but invited Allie to sit with him.  The Warrior looked into Allies eyes, Allie tried to look away, but could not, he felt warm and at peace, like all of the weight of his problems and fears were at ease.  The warrior asked him "what troubles you so?" Allie explained the kidnappings and the last ditch effort to rescue the women.  To Allie's surprise the golden warrior agreed without being asked to go with him and rescue the kidnapped women. Allie gave the golden warrior the meeting information for the next morning and bid him a good evening.  Allie was so excited he rushed out of the tavern without even asking the warrior's name.


Labyrinths and Loyalties Part 3

Magenta and her new companion Rongrub 'Ron,' made way to the Pissed off Princess, to meet with the other companions.  She had been charged with finding assistance and retainers for the adventure, and only had a drunken and smelly dwarf to show for it.  Magenta thought of the dark and handsome stranger in gold and red.  How regal and divine he looked, she wondered to herself again how to seduce him into her company's service.  The thought quickly left her as she knew he was a man of virtue, one of those knights of the church, probably a high ranking member of the brotherhood of Adtaan.

Once at the Pissed off Princess Magenta introduced Ron to the company.  Harold quickly offered the dwarf a drink and they began to discuss business terms.  Harold deciphered Ron wanted some valuable jewels known to be in the mountains of that area and a red headed woman.  Harold quickly offered Ron a contract, leaving out the red headed woman part,  Ron did not notice and did not read the short contract, he agreed and signed.

While Harold was talking up the dwarf and feeding him full of beer, Magenta told Allie and Bruce of the golden warrior she saw in the adventure's tavern.  Being not too late in the evening Allie eagerly volunteered himself to go to the Tavern to find more recruits and investigate the rumor of the golden warrior.  Bruce was unmoved by the rumors and decided he wanted to hear more about the labyrinth from the captive that escaped.  Labyrinths were known to be places of death, entrapment, and all sorts of horrible things.  After Harold was done with Ron, Bruce easily convinced Harold to go with him to speak to Donalda.  Magenta was once again charged with dwarf sitting.  At least this time the place was more suited for a lady.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Labyrinths and Loyalties Part 2

The preparation for the journey began with quite interesting.  Magenta went to the adventures tavern by the east city wall.  She was in search of capable mercenaries to aid with the quest at hand.  Offering treasure and gems she unknowingly seduced Rongrub Ironknoll. Rongrub was a dwarf who just happened to be a craftsman and capable of making the finest jewelry.  Only issue with Rongrub was he had a horrible vice for being constantly drunk.  Rongrub had drank his fair share of the taverns back stock and the barkeep was desperate to get the dwarf out.  The barkeep offered Magenta a couple gold coins for luring Rongrub out of the bar.

On the way out of the tavern Rongrub, stumbled and fell on top of Magenta.  After falling Rongrub dozed off into a drunken stupor.  Magenta was pinned between the floor and a very hefty and drunk dwarf.  She frantically tried to wedge herself out from under the dwarf, but was unsuccessful.   Magenta desperately tried to wake the dwarf up; but her voice fell on deaf ears.  The sight was a humorous one at that, patrons of the tavern laughed an howled at the lady in distress.  Then all of a sudden Magenta was on her feet.  A very dark, handsome, and mysterious looking man had pulled her to her feet; all while picking the dwarf up with one hand.

Magenta quickly in her disbelief studied the man.  He appeared human; but seemed to be from a different country than any she had studied.  The man had dark chocolate skin, a golden goatee, and bright crystal blue eyes.  His form was divine of any standards; even with his cloak and armor on, Magenta could see this man was well built.  His deep red cloak covered most of his armor, but she could see his armor looked to be solid gold and appeared to have some rubies on it.  The barkeep broke Magenta's gaze shoving her and the dwarf out into the streets.  Magenta wondered to herself what it would take to get that man to join them on their quest.  He looked quite capable compared to all of the others she had seen.


Friday, December 28, 2012

Labyrinth and Loyalties

Labyrinth and Loyalties

Les Crepe is a large city in the northern region, one of the largest merchant cities.  The market of Les Crepe which is open for three days starting the first Sunday of every month, is said to have the variety of all of Tulucia.  From potions, armor, weapons, animals, to slaves; everyone finds something desirable in the market.

Les Crepe is a main post for the Brotherhood of Adtaan.  The Brotherhood takes care of all of the city's security, safety, and legal needs.  There are strict laws in Les Crepe; but giving the merchant and heavy travel nature of the city, the majority of the civilians agree it is needed.  There is no magic to be practiced in the city limits.  If caught the offense is punishable by death or slavery.  Public intoxication in the streets is also against the law.  Les Crepe's inner city limits are filled with wealthy travelers and civilians and it is thought that if they drink at the inn they can pay to stay at the inn.  Slavery is allowed in Les Crepe; due to the religious beliefs of Adtaan followers and the Brotherhood slavery makes sense to them.  Those who cannot pay or are stationed as having not are seen to have angered the Gods and are therefore punished with just cause.

Even with the tight security and large force in the city, Les Crepe is plagued with fear and rumors.  Young and beautiful women kidnapped in the depths of the night.  Most of them nobility or of some sort of valuable profession or family connection in the region.  Rumors told of Neanderthals kidnapping the women at night and taking them to a labyrinth guarded by a fierce Minotaur. The city of Les Crepe could not allow the rumors to go unchecked.  A scouting group of fifteen soldiers went into the mountains to the  west in search of the Labyrinth, none returned.

One foggy morning a guard spotted an older woman laying in the path before the market square outside the city.  The woman was identified as Donalda, daughter of the Gentleman's Bussle store owner.  The Gentleman's Bussle is the most reputable and finest general store in Les Crepe.  Donalda, a beautiful maiden, age 19, had been reported missing by her father three months before.  Her appearance had changed, still beautiful, her hair was silver, and her beautiful clear light skin had aged many years.  Donalda remembered nothing of how she became to this appearance or how she escaped.  She knew there were many curves and turns and estimated that she had been on the run for over a week.  Donalda knew she had came from the north west mountains.   

With this information the Brotherhood of Adtaan's council member in Les Crepe; Father Willship and the Magistrate of Les Crepe (name) decided to hire adventurers to try to find the rest of the women.  The magistrate's only daughter Lafunda had been taken two weeks prior to the discovery of Donalda.  Offering a large sum of money, full service at the high class tavern and Inn; the Pissed of Princess, and any previsions needed many adventures came to inquire on the adventure.  Only a handful accepted; Alie Butcher, a fighter and worshiper of Adtaan, Bruce the specialist, Magenta a lady from the west with wild red hair, and the most peculiar and capable halfling; Harold Undersack.